
Analyst Coverage

Get to know the market analysts’ assessment of Petrobras and find out who they are.

Analysts covering Petrobras

BAML: Caio Ribeiro
(1 646) 855 4051 caio.ribeiro@bofa.com

Banco do Brasil: Daniel Cobucci
(55 11) 3149-8422    cobucci@bb.com.br

Bradesco: Vicente Falanga Neto
(55 11) 3847-9471    vicente.falanga@bradescobbi.com.br

BTG Pactual: Pedro Soares
55 11 3383 9850

Citigroup: Gabriel Barra
(57) 4479-0594    gabriel.barra@citi.com

Goldman Sachs: Bruno Amorim
(55 11) 3371-0764    bruno.amorim@gs.com

HSBC: Lilyanna Yang
(1 212) 525-0990    lilyanna.x.yang@us.hsbc.com

Itaú BBA: Monique Greco
(55 11)3073-3358    monique.greco@itaubba.com

Jefferies: Alejandro Demichellis
(34 91) 076-9998    ademichelis@jefferies.com

JP Morgan: Rodolfo Angele
(55 11) 4950-3888    rodolfo.r.angele@jpmorgan.com

Morgan Stanley: Bruno Montanari
(55 11)3048-6225    bruno.montanari@morganstanley.com

Safra: Conrado Vegner
(55 11) 3175-4369   conrado.vegner@safra.com.br

Santander: Rodrigo Almeida
(55 11) 3553 8999 ralmeida@santander.com.br

UBS: Luiz Carvalho
(55 11) 2767 6606   luiz.carvalho@ubs.com 

XP: Regis Cardoso

Analyst Projection

Consensus figures refer to the average projections by market analysts.

Target Price
Nº of Investment Banks: 10 Nº of Investment Banks: 11
PETR3 Price Target Consensus (R$/share) PETR4 Price Target Consensus (R$/share)
Average 42.26 Average 41.20
Maximum 47.00 Maximum 45.10
Minimum 34.00 Minimum 34.00

Latest update on March 31, 2024


Price Target
Nº of Investment Banks: 13 Nº of Investment Banks: 10
PBR Price Target Consensus (US$/ADR) PBR/A Price Target Consensus (US$/ADR)
Average 19.46 Average 17.40
Maximum 41.00 Maximum 19.20
Minimum 13.00 Minimum 13.00

Latest update on March 31, 2024

The information referring to the comparative analyses presented herein has been obtained from investment banks and other sources (the “sources”) and represents market forecasts. Petrobras and the sources make no warranty as to the completeness or accuracy of this information. This information does not represent an offer to buy or sell the securities of any company. The opinions expressed herein may be changed without notice. The sources, their direct and indirect subsidiaries, their affiliates or companies belonging to the same economic group, their management, officers, mandataries, agents and representatives may hold positions or rights related to the securities addressed in this information. Any source that has provided services in connection with the purchase or sale of a security addressed in this information may have been acting on behalf of a third party or on its own behalf. The sources may periodically act as managers, co-managers or participants in syndicates organized for the private placement or public offering of securities of the companies covered by this information.

Last updated on February 22, 2021.