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Care for People

Clear diversity and inclusion targets for our workforce 

Social and Environmental Projects


People management within the company is crucial for executing our strategies and achieving the expected results. Our Human Resources (HR) department operates with a focus on valuing professionals and creating the necessary conditions for each individual to reach their full potential.

Furthermore, we have an associated objective with ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) practices, which is to contribute to Brazil’s socio-economic development, emphasizing the promotion of well-being and human rights. To achieve this, we strive to advance in diversity and inclusion actions, particularly regarding people with disabilities, racial issues, and gender issues.

In this context, aligned with the fact that we are a mixed economy company in which the majority shareholder is the federal government, the hiring process for employees in Brazil is conducted through public selection processes. These processes ensure equal base salaries for men and women, and, in compliance with Brazilian legislation, 20% of the positions are reserved for black candidates and 5% for people with disabilities.

Remuneration and Benefits

Regarding direct remuneration, annual market surveys are conducted by specialized consultancy firms such as Willis Towers Watson and Korn Ferry Hay Group. The results show that the company’s salaries are competitive in relation to the best practices in the oil and gas market (this position has remained stable since 2007).  The salary values, without any regional, gender, or ethnic distinctions, are reviewed and adjusted annually through negotiations with the trade unions representing the professional category.

Furthermore, we have two variable remuneration practices: PLR (Profit Sharing Program) and PRD (Performance Award). The PLR consists of payment of up to three remunerations for most employees[1], regardless of whether they hold a managerial position or not.  To receive the PLR, the company must achieve at least 80% of certain metrics related to public interest, operational, and financial levels. It is worth noting that the ceiling x floor ratio is 4 times.

Regarding the PRD, the company’s objective is to recognize, in addition to the PLR, the effort and individual performance of each employee in achieving Petrobras results. In this sense, the award that each employee will receive (in number of remunerations) is defined by the company’s top metrics achievement: Economic Value Added (∆ EVA), Compliance with Greenhouse Gas Targets Index (IAGEE) and Spilled Volume (VAZO); and specific goals (GD – Performance Management) for all employees, except for executive managers and equivalents, for whom their respective area’s scorecard is taken into consideration.  It is worth noting that the scale of goal achievement ranges from 50% to 150%

In addition to direct and variable remuneration, and aiming to enhance the quality of life of our employees, we provide a range of benefits, including:

  • Multidisciplinary Health Assistance Plan (AMS)
  • Pharmacy Benefit Program
  • Parental leave according to the maximum time established by legislation
  • Educational benefits
  • Allocation of working hour allowances to employees with disabilities and employees with disabled children
  • Private pension plans



[1] Given that the minimum PLR threshold is R$38.5 thousand, employees whose remuneration is less than R$12.8 thousand will receive more than three remunerations; on the other hand, employees whose remunerations is greater than R$ 51.3 thousand will receive less than 3 remunerations (given that the PLR ceiling is R$ 154 thousand).

Labor Relations

We adhere to conventions of the International Labor Organization (ILO) ratified by Brazil and have been signatories to the United Nations Global Compact since 2003. Principle 3 of the Global Compact provides for the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining.

It’s worth mentioning that our Code of Ethical Conduct establishes the right to free trade union association, and we have valid Collective Labor Agreements with all employee representative unions, with 100% of our own workforce covered by a Collective Bargaining Agreement.



We are advancing actions to increase the participation and inclusion of underrepresented groups in line with our values and the market’s demands for ESG practices. Encouraging the greater inclusion of individuals with diverse backgrounds implies allowing more women, people of color, individuals with disabilities, and other marginalized groups to become part of our company through public selection processes.

Furthermore, our Career and Compensation Plan (PCR) makes no gender distinction regarding compensation to men and women in the same position or function. Therefore, considering the same position, salary level, company tenure, work regime, and conditions, the gender pay ratio between women and men is equal to 1.

Local Hiring

Health and Safety

We have as values the respect for life, for people and to the environment.

One of our guiding principles (ESG mandala) is taking care of people. Within this theme, one of the commitments made involves promoting safe operations by prioritizing life protection, ensuring 100% of leadership is trained in mental health, and enhancing the well-being of our more than 40,000 employees. In this context, we launched the Commitment to Life Program (Programa com a Vida), which includes the following actions:

Regarding the promotion of safe operations, our employees and service providers are evaluated through the Safety, Environment, and Health Management Assessment Process (PAG-SMS), which is based on verifying compliance with standards derived from the 15 Corporate SMS Guidelines and legal requirements. This process aims to reduce the risks of accidents and incidents and their impacts on industrial processes, people, and the environment, promoting learning and continuous improvement in SMS performance.

Furthermore, to support the culture of safety, ten Golden Rules (safety rules) have been established based on the analysis of the most recurring accidents in the oil and gas industry, as well as in our own history. Training in the Golden Rules, mandatory for all employees in Brazil and abroad, is one of the actions outlined in the Commitment to Life Program.

It’s worth highlighting that Safety, Environment, and Health are in our vision, in our purpose, and in our values. More than just a part of our culture, it’s present in everything we do on a daily basis: from the uniform and personal protective equipment we use to the Golden Rules we follow and the care we take for each other to always stay safe.

Human Rights

We embrace the principle of respecting, raising awareness of, and promoting Human Rights in our activities and operating in accordance with the principles of the Federal Constitution and international treaties and conventions ratified by the Brazilian State. This includes the International Bill of Human Rights and the International Labor Organization (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, as well as the institutional commitments undertaken by the company, listed below:

Guided by the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, our actions are structured around four axes:

For further information on Human Rights, access the Human Rights and Corporate Citizenship Supplement

Relationship with Communities

The relationship with local and traditional communities addresses the negative impacts associated with investment and divestment processes, general social disturbances, risks of human rights violations in the community, and direct and indirect impacts such as noise, odor, soot, population increase, increased influx of workers and vehicle traffic, and increased cost of living. The impacts on indigenous and traditional communities, such as fishing communities affected by restricted areas, seismic surveys, vessel traffic, and leaks, should also be considered.

We manage the socio-economic impacts and risks that may affect communities located in areas where our activities take place through environmental licensing or through the management of social and environmental risks and local Social Responsibility plans.

It’s worth noting that one of our Sustainability Commitments is to have 100% of our operations with reviewed and finalized socio-economic diagnoses by 2025. With the systematization of this information, social responsibility plans are developed to address community issues in the business units.  In 2023, 25 local social responsibility plans were executed, covering 100% of the refining and exploration and production units.

Corporate Citizenship & Philanthropy

We develop various socio-environmental projects and sponsorships with the goals of responding to community demands in the territories where we operate, achieving positive socio-environmental transformations, consolidating relationships with our stakeholders, and enhancing our reputation.

The distribution and evolution of socio-environmental investments and sponsorships in cultural, sports, business, science, and technology over the past five years can be observed in the following graph (milion R$).


Last updated on February 11, 2021.