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Reduce our carbon footprint

Investments to strengthen our low carbon position

Commitments to reduce carbon footprint 

Downward trajectory of operational absolute emissions

Protecting the environment


Water security

Gains in biodiversity

Circular economy

Spills and preventions

Among the main initiatives to prevent accidents we can highlight:

▪ Mar Azul Program: aims at preventing containment losses in offshore E&P operations, incorporating lessons learned from past events;

▪ Dynamic Management of Process Safety Barriers Project: a technological solution that aims to monitor the situation of process safety barriers in an integrated, dynamic, and real-time manner, aiding in decision-making based on risk analysis.

We also have an integrated response structure for emergency situations in Brazil and abroad. These additional resources are distributed across various points in the Brazilian territory and in the Transpetro Emergency Response Centers.

Moreover, we are partners of Oil Spill Response Limited (OSRL), a specialized oil spill emergency response institution that provides support with resources for complementary action in the case of national or international response. Additionally, the contingency equipment park is continually updated with the incorporation of more efficient devices, both for land and coastal use, as well as for offshore operations.


Petrobras has a Safety, Environment, and Health (SMS) audit contract with the specialized company BVQI to cover all Petrobras System units. The objective of the contract is to audit compliance with the requirements of the National Environmental Council (Conama) and the legal requirements of environmental agencies at all levels of government.

We thoroughly monitor and adhered to world-class climate reporting codes, such as the sustainability reporting guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI Standards), the requirements of DJSI (Dow Jones Sustainability Index), CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project), and TCFD (Taskforce for climate related financial disclosures), our industry guidelines, such as the IPIECA (Global Oil and Gas Industry Association for Environmental and Social Issues – a guide for Voluntary Reporting of the Oil and Gas Industry) complementary reporting methodology, and the transparency and reporting parameters agreed upon in the Oil and Gas Climate Initiative (OGCI). Furthermore, in our Sustainability Report, we correlate our activities with the Global Compact Principles and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Regarding Petrobras’ participation in associations and external entities, Petrobras has an internal standard to evaluate the alignment of the object and scope of action of the external entity with the company’s corporate purpose and strategy, which includes evaluating the level of adherence to the most recent positions and commitments made by Petrobras in relation to climate change.

Last updated on February 11, 2021.